Meeting with the Representative of the World Bank

Meeting with the Representative of the World Bank

Meeting with the Representative of the World Bank.

Meeting of the First Deputy Minister with the Head of the representative office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Republic of Tajikistan

Meeting of the First Deputy Minister with the Head of the representative office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Republic of Tajikistan

Meeting of the First Deputy Minister with the Head of the representative office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Republic of Tajikistan .2024 .jpg  Meeting of the First...

İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib

İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib

 Prezident İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib. — Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası/ New Azerbaijan Party (@YAP_1992) February...

İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib

İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib  İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf Bankı qrupunun prezidentini qəbul edib 26 fevral 2023, İlham Əliyev İslam İnkişaf ...